January 22, 2025

The debate continues… who as the best Spider-man

The original Spider-man series was played by Toby Maquire. There were three movies in the series, and they were basically titled 1 2 and 3. In the first, you have the backstory of how Spiderman came to be, the villain is the Green Goblin. In the second, the villain is Dr Octavious. In the third movie you have a few villains. The black goo (similar to Venom); The green Goblins son, and Sandman. These were all excellent movies. Very well made with high quality special effects.

FAMILY FRIENDLY – These movies are very family friendly. Aside from some occasional swear words, these movies are very clean. There is no sex or nudity in the movies. The action violence can be pretty intense at times. The violence is what makes these movie PG-13. Spider-man 3 is much darker than the first two, this leads to Spider-man expressing more adult behaviors, violent outbursts, but in the end Spider-man overcomes the it.

The second installment of Spider-man was played by Andrew Garfield. These were also great movies but felt different. The series ended at 2 movies rather than 3. I believe most people would agree, it would have been nice to see one more movie in this series.

FAMILY FRIENDLY – These movies are very family friendly. Aside from some occasional swear words, these movies are also very clean. There is no sex or nudity in the movies. The action violence can be pretty intense at times. The violence is what makes these movie PG-13

The last Spider-man series was played by Tom Holland. These were tied to the Marvel Universe. Tom Hollands Spider-man appeared in other Marvel movies as a result. These included Avengers Endgame, Avengers Infinity War and Captain America Civil War. Tom Holland and his counterpart Zendaya were both very likeable in these movies.

FAMILY FRIENDLY – This series has some intense action, moderate bad language, no nudity or sex. They are also nice in that they don’t have overt agendas they are pushing on families. There was only one really questionable scene where Ned suggests he was looking at porn that might cause a parent to have to explain what the term actually means. Overall, recommended for ages 10+ if the parent and child is OK with the level of violence. Otherwise 13+.

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